KanCare LogoThe current KanCare contracts, those between the state and the three MCOs, are scheduled to expire at the end of 2017; however the state is in the process of requesting a one year extension from CMS- delaying the expiration dated to the end of 2018. During the extension year, there will be no changes to the program or contractors. This will allow the time needed for the state to evaluate and select the next MCO contractors. The three current MCOs are expected to bid on the contract, as well as others.

The renewal of KanCare is designed to continue the program for an additional five years, 2019-2023. In preparation for this, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) has been conducting public forums seeking input from providers and beneficiaries before starting the work on the next Request for Proposal (RFP). KDHE has been asking for input concerning the inclusion of some value-based performance measures, recommendations on how to reduce the administrative burden for providers, as well as input on educational tools and resources important to providers.

Kansas Medical Society staff continues to meet with the state and has expressed some of the following concerns:

  • Standardization of provider enrollment and credentialing process
  • Reduce and standardize the prior authorization requirements
  • Provide clear and accurate communication including guidance provided in the state policy manual
  • Resolution of ongoing payment issues
  • In the event a new MCO is selected – ensure adequate time for contracting with providers, and ensure continuity of care.

You may share your thoughts, and any changes you’d like to see to the KanCare program with Ruth Cornwall, KMS Director of Health Care Finance (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and we will communicate them to the state.


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KaMMCO 2018

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