KMS is committed to physician wellness

Doctor hand heart stethescopeThrough our Professionals' Health Program–also known as PHP–we protect the health of Kansans and promote medical excellence by seeking early identification, rehabilitation, and treatment of physicians affected by mental/emotional disorders, physical health, substance use disorders, disruptive behaviors, and other life circumstances that affect medical competency.

Click on a topic below for additional information.


What is "impairment?"

The American Medical Association (AMA) defines impairment as “the inability of a licensee to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety as a result of: mental disorder; or, physical illness or condition, including but not limited to those illnesses or conditions that would adversely affect cognitive, motor, or perceptual skills; or, substance-related disorders including abuse and dependency of drugs and alcohol as further defined.”

The AMA further “defines disruptive behavior as a style of interaction with physicians, hospital personnel, patients, family members, or others that interferes with patient care.” The healthcare professional’s “behavior (attitudes, words, or actions) intimidates and demeans others potentially resulting in a negative impact on patient care.”

Why might you call us?

The KMS – PHP provides healthcare professionals assistance with a variety of personal and professional stressors. These include but are not limited to:

  • Burnout
  • Mental/Emotional Disorders
    • Depression
    • Anxiety
    • Suicidal Ideation
    • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders
    • Co-Morbid Psychiatric Conditions
    • Attention Issues
    • Learning Disabilities
  • Physical Health
    • Neurological Issues
    • Age-Related Challenges, including concerns about loss of memory
    • Sleep Disorders or Deprivation
    • Work-aholism
  • Substance Use Disorders
  • Addiction
    • Sex
    • Pornography
    • Gambling
  • Disruptive Behaviors/Communication Difficulties
  • Personality Disorders
  • Boundary Issues
    • Sexual Misconduct
    • Prescribing Issues
    • Inappropriate Social Media Usage
  • Stress-related Problems
    • Financial Pressure
    • Grief
    • Partner/Marital Issues
    • Difficulty Balancing Work and Family
    • Practice Issues
    • Challenges with Retirement Planning or Career Change
    • Malpractice Stress
  • Unhealthy Interpersonal Relationships
  • Core Competency Issues

Do you know a physician who needs help?

Call the KMS- PHP at 1.800.332.0156. Denial that a respected healthcare provider could be impaired and/or the “conspiracy of silence” that makes someone unwilling to speak out can sometimes lead to a fatal outcome. The sooner help is initiated, the better the prognosis. Immediate action can save a career and potentially a life.

By law, all reports to the KMS – PHP are regarded as privileged and confidential. Any person who, in good faith, reports or provides information about a healthcare provider shall not be liable in a civil action for damages or other relief arising from the reporting or providing information unless there is clear and convincing evidence that the report or information was completely false and was known to the person making the report. (KSA 65-4923 or 65-4924).

How do we help?

The PHP assists healthcare professionals in developing strategies to help them practice successfully. The PHP does NOT make diagnoses or provide assessment or treatment. The PHP provides networking opportunities with colleagues who have had similar difficulties, advocates for those seeking re-credentialing or re-licensing, as well as provides referrals, support, and guidance to healthcare professionals, healthcare organizations, and family members.

With the healthcare professional’s written permission, the KMS – PHP is able to provide regular compliance reports to hospitals, practice partners, and the KSBHA as indicated and appropriate.

Are we affiliated with the Board of Healing Arts?

The KMS – PHP is independent of the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts (KSBHA), which is the healthcare licensing and disciplinary authority in the State of Kansas.

However, the KMS – PHP serves as an important resource for healthcare professionals dealing with licensing and/or disciplinary issues as a result of health concerns, professional comportment issues, or impairment. The KMS – PHP provides the KSBHA documentation of participation in and compliance with our monitoring program, which can be essential when restoring and/or maintaining licensure. The KMS – PHP maintains a positive working relationship with the KSBHA and is thus able to advocate for our participants to the best of our ability.

Healthcare professionals who participate in the KMS – PHP program voluntarily often avoid public exposure as well as mitigate disciplinary action.

How can you contact us?

We encourage you to reach out to us earlier, rather than later. All calls are held in the strictest confidence.

  • Office: (785) 235-2383
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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