KAMMCO Logo 20180301KAMMCO

KAMMCO is a member-owned mutual insurance company providing innovative and flexible liability insurance protection and services for physicians, hospitals, nurses, and many other health care professionals.

Formed in 1989 by the Kansas Medical Society, KAMMCO has established new standards for the professional liability insurance industry.  An innovative business philosophy and a connection to insured members have allowed the company to extend the benefits of company ownership and control to health care professionals.

The ability to advocate for and assist members with the management of  professional and business liability risks, the innovative use of education, and the close alliance with the KMS, are what sets  KaMMCO apart as a leader in the health care professional liability market.

KHC LogoKansas Healthcare Collaborative

The Kansas Healthcare Collaborative is a provider-led organization dedicated to transforming health care through patient-centered initiatives that improve quality, safety and value. Founded in 2008 by the Kansas Hospital Association and the Kansas Medical Society, KHC embodies the commitment of two of the state's leading health care provider groups to act as a resource and continually enhance care provided to Kansans. One of KHC's guiding principles is a strong belief that the transformation of health care should be led by the very individuals who provide the care. 

khin logoKansas Health Information Network

The Kansas Health Information Network is a provider-led organization working to facilitate the establishment of electronic health information exchange in Kansas. KHIN was organized by KMS, in partnership with the Kansas Hospital Association and the regional health information exchange in Wichita.



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KaMMCO 2018

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