Physician wellness & Professionals Health Program

A physician may encounter challenges that impair his/her ability to practice medicine at any time. Whether that impairment is related to feelings of burnout, drug or alcohol addiction, mental or physical disability, or even the aging process, the KMS Professionals Health Program (PHP) is designed to help physicians travel the road to recovery.

This program is grounded in a fundamental philosophy of confidentiality for its participants and for those who report physicians who they believe may need support. Except in a criminal action, any information acquired is confidential and may not be disclosed without written consent.

If you think you might benefit from the Professionals Health Program, or if you know someone who might, contact the PHP Program here. All requests for information will be held in strict confidence.

Peer review

KMS coordinates a Peer Review Service which identifies physicians to conduct peer review for hospitals and institutions who are in need of objective and confidential medical opinions. The service is intended to provide hospitals with an acceptable alternative when the handling of questions of staff privileges becomes difficult due to local considerations, small staff size, or other reasons.

If you would like to have more information, please contact the KMS office.

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