American College of Surgeons logoKansas Chapter of the American College of Surgeons

The Kansas Chapter of the American College of Surgeons (Kansas-ACS) is a not-for-profit association of physicians who specialize in one or more areas of surgical expertise. In order to become a member of Kansas-ACS, the physician must first meet the stringent requirements for membership in the American College of Surgeons.

 KOS logoKansas Orthopaedic Society

The purpose of the Kansas Orthopaedic Society is to unite the orthopaedic surgeons of Kansas by promoting the science and art of orthopaedic surgery and promoting optimum musculoskeletal care for the people of the state.


Kansas Society of PathologyKansas Society of Pathologists

The Kansas Society of Pathologists promotes the practice of scientific medicine by a wider application of anatomic and clinical pathology to the diagnosis and treatment of disease, stimulates research in all branches of anatomic and clinical pathology, establishes standards for performance of various laboratory procedures, elevates the scientific and professional status of those specializing in this branch of medicine, and encourages closer cooperation of anatomic and clinical pathologists with other physicians and with medical technologists.

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KaMMCO 2018

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