KMS Advocacy Day & Annual Meeting registration
Please register today for the Kansas Medical Society Advocacy Day & Annual Meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 27, 2021, as well as a networking event the evening prior. Attendees will meet with legislative leadership as well as one-on-one with your own representatives. You will also be able to meet with a number of specialty societies. We hope you will make plans to join your peers from across the state to network and learn how our collective advocacy shapes the practice of medicine in Kansas. Find more information and registration here:

New research on telehealth usage in Kansas
KMS is among several organizations beginning a research project on how telehealth is changing across Kansas and we would like to know about your experiences. We have partnered with the United Methodist Health Ministry Fund and the University of Kansas Medical Center on a brief survey:

We hope you will take a few minutes to complete the survey. It will close at midnight on Friday, September 11. Your responses are anonymous unless you choose to identify yourself. We greatly appreciate your participation and look forward to learning about how telehealth is being provided around the state.

KAMMCO guidance on KSHSAA athletics participation form
In response to questions surrounding the Kansas High School Athletics Association (KSHSAA) Physical Supplemental COVID-19 Form to Return to Play/Participate in High School Athletics, the KAMMCO Risk Management team has prepared guidance.

Overview of proposed Medicare Physician Fee Schedule
Earlier this month, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released its proposed rule for the 2021 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule. The American Medical Association (AMA) has issued a topline summary of the planned payment policy changes as well as a more detailed analysis of the proposal

KHC monthly education events
The Kansas Healthcare Collaborative hosts monthly education meetings to provide an opportunity to connect with the KHC team and your peers in leading health care quality as well as to keep you up to date on resources and opportunities in quality and patient safety. The August webinar was on Preparing for the Appropriate Use Criteria (AUC) Program— a recording of this webinar and previous KHC webinars is available here. The September 23 webinar will be on Advance Care Planning, hosted in part by the Center for Practical Bioethics. Registration is open here.

CMS announces resumption of inspections of providers
Last week, CMS announced it will resume routine inspections of all Medicare- and Medicaid-certified providers and suppliers. CMS had previously suspended certain routine inspections as part of the COVID-19 response to prioritize infection control and to give health care providers and suppliers time to respond to the spread of COVID-19.

No-cost benefit to KMS members: DocBookMD, now called Medici Connect
One of the member benefits that KMS has long provided is a subscription to DocBookMD, which recently became Medici Connect. Among other things, access to Medici Connect (a $300 annual value) includes:

  • A directory of your medical society members.
  • HIPAA-compliant messaging with your medical society colleagues, including group messaging.
  • Secure voice, video, and text messaging with patients, and eReferral.

To register and for more information about this benefit service, visit:

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KaMMCO 2018

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